Silver Appleyard Ducks

Silver Appleyard Ducks Virginia

"This big, colorful duck was developed by Reginald Appleyard at his famous Priory Waterfowl Farm in England. His goal was to make a beautiful breed of duck, with a combination of beauty, size, lots of big white eggs, and a deep long, wide, breast.". Appleyards were brought to the United States in the 1960's and became available to the public in 1984.

Due to their smaller stature this breed has fallen out of public breeding favor but we just love these beautiful ducks who are active foragers and quite a hoot to watch.

The History and Origins of Silver Appleyard Ducks

The Silver Appleyard breed was developed in the mid-20th century by renowned British poultry breeder Reginald Appleyard. With a vision to create a dual-purpose duck that excelled in both egg production and meat quality, Appleyard meticulously crossed various breeds, including the Rouen, Aylesbury, and Pekin ducks. Through careful selection and breeding, he successfully created the Silver Appleyard, a breed that embodies both elegance and functionality.

After 1945, the original line declined due to lack of interest in duck breeds. In the 1970s, Tom Bartlett in Gloucester, England, was largely responsible for recreating and popularizing the breed. He bought birds from market with the desired traits and selectively bred them to resemble Wippell’s painting. As a result, the British Waterfowl Association accepted this standard in 1982. The Silver Appleyard was imported into the United States in the 1960s, where the breed became available to the public from 1984. The large version was accepted into the heavy class of the American Poultry Association’s Standard of Perfection in 1998.

Characteristics and Breed Standards of Silver Appleyard Ducks

Silver Appleyard ducks possess a captivating appearance characterized by their striking plumage. The males exhibit a beautiful combination of silver and white feathers along with a brown chest and green head, while the females showcase a mottled silver and brown pattern. These unique markings make them a standout breed in any flock.

Benefits of Raising Silver Appleyard Ducks on Your Farm

Versatility and Utility:

Aside from their aesthetic appeal, Silver Appleyard ducks are highly regarded for their versatility and utility. They excel as both layers and meat birds, with females laying an impressive number of large, white-shelled eggs. These eggs are prized for their rich flavor, making them a favorite among culinary enthusiasts and bakers alike. This breed averages 220 to 265 eggs per year. In addition, Silver Appleyards have a well-rounded body structure, making them suitable for meat production. The breed's ability to thrive in various climates and adapt to different management systems adds to their appeal for farmers and homesteaders.

Gentle Dispositions:

One of the endearing qualities of Silver Appleyard ducks is their gentle and amiable nature. They are known for their friendly and sociable personalities, making them a joy to have on a farm or in a backyard setting. Their calm demeanor and ease of handling make them suitable for families, children, and hobbyists who enjoy interacting with their feathered friends.

Conservation Efforts for Silver Appleyard Ducks: Preserving a Valuable Heritage

The Silver Appleyard breed has faced challenges in maintaining its population numbers over the years. However, dedicated breeders and conservation organizations have been actively working to preserve and promote this exceptional duck breed. Through careful breeding programs, education, and raising awareness about the breed's unique qualities, these conservation efforts aim to ensure the long-term survival and appreciation of Silver Appleyard ducks.

Want to help support our conservation efforts? Grab a Silver Appleyard product below to help us continue to make a future for this adorable breed.